About Ancestry Maps

Ancestry Maps is brought to you by Cassini Maps in association with Ancestry.co.uk.
This site has been created with you, the Ancestry.co.uk subscriber, very much in mind. It offers historical Ordnance Survey mapping at three scales: the bird’s-eye overview of 1:50,000, the street-level detail of 1:10,000 and the house-level scrutiny of 1:2,500.
Research often demands immediate results – we’ve provided this, with all maps being available as instantly downloadable PDFs.
We also know that maps at the detailed scales are important – We have 1:2,500 coverage of England and Wales using the first editions of this Ordnance Survey series published in the 1870s and ‘80s. For a broader context, we have maps at 1:10,000 and 1:50,000 as well.

Accuracy is vital, too, particularly with large-scale maps – and that’s built in to our system. Every point on the landscape can be searched by using a present-day postcode. There’s also a facility to let you refine your selection using a click-and-drag present-day map.

Of course, the site has to be easy to use – and our search-and-display facility has won awards and received many commendations in the family-history press. If you think it can be improved, please tell us.

Finally, we take customer service very seriously – email us on sales@ancestrymaps.com if you have any questions or problems and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

To help you on your journey into the past, we’ve added a number of relevant articles. Some provide background information on the mapping series that we’ve got available on this site, We’re also adding pieces, first published in specialist family-history magazines and yearbooks, designed to help you with your historical enquiries. If there are any articles you’ve read that you think would be of interest to your fellow researchers, or any specific aspects of historical mapping that you would like us to explore or explain in more detail, please let us know.

Ancestry Maps currently and unashamedly limits itself to the provision of 19th- and early-20th-century historical Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain as PDF downloads. If you wish to explore a wider range of maps and formats – from framed 16th-century county prints to personalised historical-map jigsaw puzzles –please visit www.cassinimaps.com

About Us

Cassini Maps was founded in 2005 with the aim of providing historical mapping in ways that meet present-day research needs and expectations of quality. Nothing in our ambition has changed since then. Our products have been principally developed to help historians in general, and genealogists in particular, discover the hidden history of the British landscape.

Cassini has set the standard for the provision of historical mapping and is committed to continuing to provide researchers with a wide range of products in an equally wide range of formats. We aim to produce ever more innovative products in the years to come.

Cassini is proud to be working with Ancestry.co.uk in order to make its mapping available as widely as possible to family historians.

Cassini has a range of products and titles that is available through bookshops, other retailers and Cassini’s main website at www.cassinimaps.com

Cassini welcomes all forms of collaboration, from sales of our existing products through conventional wholesale or retail distribution channels to the creation of new products through joint-ventures, partnerships or licensing arrangements.

Cassini is waiting to hear from you – please contact us on info@cassinimaps.com with your ideas as to how we can work together.

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© 2015 Cassini Publishing Ltd.

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