Why are Cassini Maps so useful?
Who are Cassini Maps?
What printed maps does Cassini publish?
What is Mapmaker?
How do I download a Mapmaker map?
What is the delivery time for Mapmaker printed and mounted maps?
Cassini already produces hundreds of printed and folded maps. Why offer Mapmaker as well?
What historical maps does Cassini Mapmaker provide?
Can I buy your Mapmaker products anywhere else apart from the Cassini website?
Can I buy your printed maps anywhere else apart from the Cassini website?
What is a map series?
Is Cassini going to be adding other series to its range?
How can I be kept informed of new products that you offer?
I’m a retailer – how can I order maps for re-sale?
I’m a wholesaler – how can I order maps?
How can I find out more about historical Ordnance Survey maps?
What is a scale?
What scales are Cassini's maps?
What is a map projection?
How have the maps been joined together?
What about the railways? Sometimes a line suddenly stops half-way across the sheet.
Why does the background colour of the maps sometimes vary?
Why does the style, such as the type, sometimes change across the map?
Why do the maps sometimes show a range of dates (such as 1845-49)?
Why are there no map legends on the printed Old Series maps?
Do historical maps show rights of way?
Who owns the copyright of the Cassini maps?
Can I reproduce the maps I have bought?
Can I license your historical mapping data to use in a GIS system?
Who created your map browsing software?

Why are Cassini Maps so useful?

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